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Macadamia trees growing in Uganda

A part of the AFRINSPIRE Young Leaders Conference Summer 2018 was a field visit to Besania Demonstration Farm in Mbarara in order to experience a different style of community farming.

All the delegates from the conference were able to inspect the range of crops currently being grown by Besania. The farm is experimenting with new crops and food products. One in particular is the Macadamia tree which was introduced into Uganda in the 1960's but did not go any further than Bushenyi. Yet it is suitable for growing throughout Uganda. Macadamia nuts are nutritious and valuable for eating and selling and can make Macadamia butter.

"Macadamias are ideally suited to a mild, frost-free climate with abundant rainfall distributed throughout the year, roughly the same climate suitable for growing coffee. Uganda is a very good coffee growing country!!''

A donation from AFRINSPIRE was used to provide every delegate with a baby Macadamia tree to take home as well as some special bean seeds.

Since then, there has been much sharing of pictures on Whatsapp to show off the progress of the trees and beans.

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3 opmerkingen

Noah Byamugisha
Noah Byamugisha
09 mrt. 2022

iam interested in growing this plant subject to getting full information in relation the growing, harvesting and marketing of the product. may be reached on 0702583933

Noah Mugisha


07 mrt. 2021


I am interested in this crop. I am from Kasese. Kindly send me contacts of someone I can consult for further details. I can be reached by email: and tel. 0772 917496.



agelu robert
agelu robert
26 feb. 2021

i really love to be part of macadamia tree growing but i need the rightful person to contact in uganda for the proper assistance that will lead me to the development of my dream as a macadamia farmer. my contacts are: 0752 202885 or 0773 385852. or i can be emailed on or

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