The UK’s surplus computers often have many years of life left in them meaning Afrinspire can reuse them in African communities, reducing UK waste in the process. Not only does this process re-use surplus equipment rather than placing it in the waste-chain, but it puts valuable resources into the hands of Africans to enable them to develop their work further.
We believe in equipping local people with the right tools to create their own solutions, and recognise that technology can play a key role in lifting communities out of abject poverty. Progression of the digital age is as rapid in Africa as anywhere, and harnessing these new tools for effective development is therefore critical, and a key part of Afrinspire’s response.
We also work with researchers developing new technologies to support them in their attempts to provide solutions for the future. Our approach combines careful training and maintenance with the re-use of surplus equipment. We also provide equipment and tools, including sewing machines and typewriters. Provision of such equipment is vital in enabling local communities to support themselves – for example, helping women’s groups to find work as seamstresses.
​“Afrikobs Internet Café has not only been of great value to me but also helped many people with disabilities to gain skills to escape the prison of self-pity, poverty, hatred, stigma and all sorts of oppression they experience because of disability”
Anne Kobusingye (Foundation of People with Disabilities)
Afrinspire has been shipping out around 200 computers a year for over 20 years. This has created jobs through training centres and internet cafés, has led to thousands of students and workers becoming computer-literate, and has massively increased efficacy and communications of many African organisations.
Computers are placed strategically with Afrinspire partners, and have gone to charities, schools of 700-1000 pupils, and universities and government officials, including the President’s representatives. Alongside computers, we have provided books, educational materials, medical equipment, and other specific technologies on a case-by-case basis.
Internet Cafes
Afrinspire supports local internet cafés in Uganda by providing funds and supplying computers. Not only has this helped income generation, it has also improved local employability through computer literacy and technical expertise, helping many to find a way out of poverty. Afrinspire began shipping computers to Uganda in 1998 to establish a training centre and to send computers to other local schools and organisations. The first centre was kept up to date with the most recent computers and software, and the older ones were passed on to others.
The network grew and new destinations and recipients were added each time a container of computers was shipped. These cafés are often key locations for training but as computers become more widespread they increasingly need to offer other services such as and printing, scanning to sustain their income.
IT Training
Additionally, Afrinspire recognises the ensuring the right equipment is given to the right place, maximally utilised and effectively maintained. Therefore, Afrinspire has been training individuals to train others in I.T. skills and supporting technicians to maintain all this equipment, and amazingly, some of the computers sent before the millennium can still be found working in training centres!
IT Consultancy
If you have spare small technology items such as small laptops, projectors, mobiles, memory sticks, scanners, tablets etc these can be transported out on our field visits.
If you have anything to donate, please get in touch.
If you have technological skills and would like to volunteer your time and expertise either in the UK or overseas then please get in touch.
DONATE to our shipping costs and training programmes to ensure equipment reaches its target and is used and maintained to the highest standards.