We uphold the dignity and value of each and every person, working towards an equitable and inclusive Africa. We work closely with a range of partners to challenge stigma, tackle systemic inequities, and raise up those who are disadvantaged within their local communities.
We have developed Youth and Female Empowerment program streams, and partner with organisations to support a range of vulnerable people.
​“The Batwa remember, sing, dance and praise the help and transformation that you at Afrinspire have brought”
​Zadok Kamusiime, Guardian to the Batwa (a marginalised ethnic minority)

Although fewer Africans than ever before live in abject poverty, inequality in opportunities and access to services has persisted, and income inequality within African countries has actually risen since the millennium (World Bank, 2013).
Social exclusion and low social status caused by discrimination, due to variables such gender and age, or cultural beliefs, can mean that individuals are more likely to live in poverty, lack access to employment
and services, and have limited ability to engage in local or national decision-making processes.
People with Disabilities
Almost 1 in 10 working-age adults in Africa has a disability (Mitra et al. 2013). However, despite being a common sight, people with disabilities in Africa often face stigma, especially if they are women. In a country where becoming self-reliant is a struggle for many, the disability can make it even harder for the individual to create a life for themselves.
Afrinspire is working with partners to promote a more inclusive society and create employment opportunities for people with disabilities, along with improved access to basic education, and vocational training to help gain jobs.
The Elderly

Many older African citizens face struggles with their daily lives. For instance, some may have limited mobility on treacherous, often mountainous terrain, and poor health and nutrition, whilst still being expected to provide for themselves and orphaned grandchildren. Furthermore, the traditional extended family is gradually weakening, and the increasing urbanization and death of partners and peers often
leaves the elderly socially isolated.
Afrinspire partners have advocated for increased funding, attention and support for the elderly, and provided practical support and advice through elderly groups and support for older guardians of orphans.

Forced displacement of people is a real issue for the African region, arising from conflict, persecution, human rights abuses, natural disasters and failure of governance. The region hosted 5.1 million refugees at the end of 2016, and Uganda in particular is known for its open-door policy to refugees (UNHCR 2017).
Afrinspire has a range of programs targeting the needs of different refugee groups, ranging from teaching English or basic literacy, to counselling and psychological support to enable displaced groups to express their cultural identity. We also provide start-up funds for farming or enterprise to enable self-sufficiency.
The Batwa

The Batwa are a marginalised ethnic minority living in South-Western Uganda. Traditionally tropical rainforest dwellers, the Batwa have been systematically evicted from their natural habitat due to conservationists creating National Parks. Owning no land, they have had to squat amidst other hostile communities, and adapt to a very different lifestyle.
Afrinspire has been supporting the Batwa in this adaptation since 1999, with land, tools and equipment, and support for community leaders. The progress is visible; many of the community are now clothed, when they initially had only rags, houses now have corrugated sheet roofs, and children are beginning to attend school.

​ADDRESS social exclusion in your local context, for example by volunteering for a local program
working with vulnerable groups
​PROVIDE a life-changing piece of equipment for a vulnerable individual such as a wheelchair,
braille machine, or walking stick
DONATE to one of our programs promoting the ability, opportunity and dignity of vulnerable
groups across Eastern Africa