God's Care Primary School Kafu

Founder and headmaster of Kafu School, Judith Nekesa, grew up illiterate in Masindi where life prospects are extremely low, especially for women. Since participating in the FAL programme she and her group launched this school, which has brought together the community, and is eradicating illiteracy for the future generation.
Kafu School and Nursery started 8 years ago, with 16 local children and one teacher, who would meet under the mango tree for classes. Afrinspire supported the transformation of this school and nursery, which now provides education to around 80 local children. The school is now fully registered. We have funded the development of two classroom blocks, the training of three new teachers and the school food programme. In 2019, Afrinspire's donations support teachers' salaries, school sports equipment and funds which would support the construction of a new kitchen.